Friday, 2 October 2009

Turn down the wick

Autumn again, so the heating in offices goes on full blast, meaning that people have to open windows to keep the temperature down to a reasonable level. Now, I’m no global warming nutter, but what a ludicrous waste of energy! We should revive the old law passed in the 1970s energy crisis that you weren't allowed to use power to heat workplaces above 20ยบ C, and have a team of inspectors going round whacking heavy fines on any employer caught with a higher temperature and the heating on.

And even when the heating’s on, some workers (invariably women) are still running fan heaters under their desks, wasting yet more electricity and selfishly heating up the room even more for everyone else. If I had my way, this would merit instant dismissal. Get the nesh, mardy cows out on the street!

And people need to accept that in the middle of winter they will need to wear jackets and jumpers in the office, just like their parents and grandparents used to.

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